
Friday, September 7, 2012

Watch: Hundred Waters - "Visitor" Live

When you strip away the machines that you'd think give Hundred Waters their signature all-consuming ethereal sound, turns out they still sound very much the same. During their current tour with Julia Holter, the Gainesville Florida quintet had some time to record a an acoustic version of "Visitor" (probably one of my favorite songs from their self-titled album) and the results are pretty much amazing. Clustered vocal harmonies, light touches of fingerstyle guitar, and a subtle jazzy swing, it's certainly a different but no less better rendition of the track.

It's nice to know even when shelving their plethora of gizmos and gadgets that Hundred Waters still have the same ephemeral spark and devastating sense of beauty. A testament to their wide breadth of musical talent, no doubt. 

Watch Hundred Waters play "Visitor":

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