
Monday, October 29, 2012

Now Streaming: J Fernandez - No Luck/Olympic Village

Remember J Fernandez: Thin Hymns guitarist/keyboardist Justin Fernandez solo bedroom project? Well, you should. If not, read all about it here. If you were hoping to listen to more of Fernandez' melodic brand of one-man soft rock, today's the day. Morning Ritual is putting out No Luck and Olympic Village, two cassette EP previously only available on limited edition cassettes out into the ether as a double EP.

Which is totally a good thing. Because frankly, the world needs a lot more J Fernandez. The occasional foray into dreamy soundscapes, random bursts of sunny jams, and just stellar musicianship are always pluses in my book and should definitely hover around musicsphere for a lot longer. Here's hoping J Fernandez is working on new tunes because though the double EP just came out, I'm already hooked and eager for more.

You can stream the No Luck/Olympic Village double EP right now via Morning Ritual Records:

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