
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Watch: Little Tybee - "Boxcar Fair"

Georgia folk collective Little Tybee continue their recent onslaught of simple, one-shot videos from For Distant Viewing by revisiting "Boxcar Fair". For those unaware, around the release of Humorous to Bees, the band also raised money via Kickstarter to put on a puppet show by the name of Boxcar Fair, the work of Little Tybee frontman Brock Scott and artist Tom Hanley and though an official video was released for the "Boxcar Fair" single, Little Tybee felt it only apt to  give the single another look see.

Some elements from the original video remain in the new venture - namely the puppets built for the show. They sit front and center in this new video, slowly moving while the TV visualizer that'll tie all these videos together thrums along to the track. There's also a  cameo from Tom Hanley, way in the back hard at work who only looks up at the end when all the puppets have stopped moving. It's very Toy Story-esque and a reminder of just how awesome the single was the first time around for those that forgot or for the uninitiated.

Cast your peepers on the new video for Little Tybee's "Boxcar Fair":

Little Tybee's upcoming full length For Distant Viewing is out April 9th on Paper Garden Records. You can pre-order it here.

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