
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Watch: Tall Tall Trees - BreakThruRadio LiveSession

Sometime after meeting him at a Kishi Bashi concert last year, I stumbled upon the amazing music of Mike Savino better known as Tall Tall Trees. Last year he and band released the excellent follow up album moment and for some reason or another I never made it out to a show. Since our meeting and his record release show (which I missed because I am a bad, bad fan), Savino's been on the road with some rather impressive friends: most notably the dynamic powerhouses of Lucius and loop pedal maestro Kishi Bashi on his most latest headlining tour, lending a hand as a member of K.'s band.

That's sort of what's so wildly exciting about Savino's BreakThruRadio session. Getting to see several of the techniques he used to create a more lush and boisterous live sound with Kishi Bashi employed on his lonesome. On "Nothingless", Savino creates a beat by hitting the body of his banjo and looping it before accompanying himself by not by strumming his trusty banjo but by bowing it. It's the sort of endearingly simple but genius innovation that made me a fan of Tall Tall Trees in the first place. It's also the reason I'm kicking myself for not seeing the man either solo or with a band since my initial discovery. To think I've been missing out on awesome of this magnitude is more than a little depressing. In the session there's also little excerpts of two newer songs "How Did It Get Dark So Fast?" and "The Seagull and the Eagle" that sound absolutely incredible.

Don't be like me. If you have the opportunity to see Tall Tall Trees live, do it. I'm looking at you West Coast. As Savino has a couple dates over there opening for Kishi Bashi. Don't sleep on this. Do it, do it, do it!

And if you haven't, check out Tall Tall Trees' Bandcamp which features two excellent and remarkably different albums for your perusal.

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