
Friday, March 1, 2013

Listen: Empress Of - "Hat Trick"

There's time when you hear a band talked to so favorably for such a long time that you're almost afraid to check them out for fear they won't live up to  hype. In this case it wasn't a blog or music site overhyping a band, it was Caleb over at Epic Concoction just sharing his fandom in the a show of repetitive concert visits and countless Instagram of the band's live sets detailing their amazingness. I wasn't too sure what to expect but I'm glad I took the time to indulge in Caleb's obvious enjoyment of Empress Of.

In "Hat Trick", the first single from the upcoming Systems EP, Empress Of's appeal is widely apparent. Dreamy, shimmering synth landscapes serve as a showcase for Lorely Rodriguez's nimble vocals. There's laid back beats and an almost lackadaisical forward momentum as the tune chugs along at its own pace. It's layered but revealingly simple at the same time, allowing space between it various moving parts and always making sure that Rodriguez's vocals are front, center, and fully able to flex.

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