
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Listen: Golden Suits - "Didn't I Warn You"

If there's one thing you should know about me it's that I love Department of Eagles. More than Grizzly Bear, possibly more than Daniel Rossen's solo output though that's debatable. During the press cycle following last year's release of Rossen's solo EP Silent Hour/Golden Mile, Rossen mentioned that aside from working on the new Grizzly Bear record that he'd been helping out his old Department of Eagles partner Fred Nicolaus with his upcoming solo record. Fantastic news. It's no Department of Eagles reunion but damn if I wasn't intrigued, having just recently missed Nicolaus' possible live solo debut at Zebulon.

Now I don't have to wonder anymore. Today sees the official announcement of Nicolaus' solo effort, titled Golden Suits, and the subsequent first single from the upcoming self-titled record. Mostly relegated to general music-making and backing vocals in Department of Eagles, it's nice to hear Nicolaus' on his own. With unique vocals all his own, "Didn't I Warn You" is a complexly multi-layered track, taking its dear sweet time with its setup reveals Nicolaus as far less insistent, vocally at least, than Rossen. The track eases along at its own pace as Nicolaus' vocals pour over on top, syrupy smooth. There's a lot going on in the track but it manages to avoid sounding overtly busy or calling attention to exactly how many things Nicolaus can cram up in there.

Consider me righteously excited for Golden Suits, out August 20th.

(via Under the Radar)

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