
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Listen: Mister Lies - "Magichour" (ft. KNOWER)

My discovery of Chicago based producer Mister Lies occurred in a strangely roundabout fashion by essentially befriending a bunch of bands/artists/bloggers (Cemeteries, Psychic Twin, Foxes in Fiction, and Rafael at Heart & Soul Blog, in particular) with nothing but good things to say about him and his music. While curiosity led me to check out his recently released debut record Mowgli, the only real takeaway I had from it was "Dionysian and yet despite not really getting into the record, the same constant kind words from Mister Lies' pals is what led me to check out his new single "Magichour"

Featuring Los Angeles duo KNOWER, the slow build to out and out danceability with all its rather subtle touches was enough to win me over from the start. As the track gets more involved, I could only find myself more and more enchanted by the track. KNOWER's Genevieve Artadi's vocals are light and feathery soft and the balance between them and the various layers of the song perfect as the instrumentals rise in intensity, threatening to drown out Artadi and leave her behind before sputtering to a sort of instant reset. It's a pretty nifty effect that actually caused me to pay more attention to the rapidly fading vocals.

Perhaps it was my distrust of laptop music that kept me from truly enjoying Mowgli, who's to say? All that I know if that Nick Zanca keeps making tracks with as much unassuming greatness as "Magichour", I'll continue to pay attention. The ball's in your court, Mister Lies.

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