
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Listen: Dent May - "Born Too Late"

There's jams and then there's a whole other category of tracks by Mississippi rock pop maestro Dent May. The man writes songs with such an impressive knack for melody and move-busting grooves that pretty much every indie pop songwriter should take a lesson from. Non of that lowest common denominator b.s. just sweet sweet good time jams. In "Born Too Late", Dent May employs just about everything he can get his hands on in the quest to create the most body-rocking jam he can - starting with piano, before settling on drumpad and bass fed momentum, there's string ornaments and drive-by guitar riffs, and even a little synth action. In anyone else's hands it's all the ingredients for a musical clusterfuck but in Dent May's competent hands they're all just part of the man's songwriting pallet utilized with just enough precision and care to highlight their strengths in service to a much greater purpose: the song. It's the summer jam to end all summer jams. You can stop looking now and start bumping "Born Too Late" from now until well, forever. It's so good you never want to put it down.

"Born Too Late" is from Dent May's upcoming LP Warm Blanket out August 27th on Paw Tracks. You can preorder the limited edition vinyl here.

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