
Friday, August 23, 2013

Listen: Gracie - "Jackson II"

Any day Brooklyn syth popper Gracie releases a new tune is a good day. The latest tune comes as part of a collaborative transmedia project surrounding Kai Flanders upcoming novella The Red Bicycle which also includes a graphic novel by Kat Glasheen and soundtrack. Considering I'm almost always listening to music when reading, it's really only fitting that The Red Bicycle comes with music and the new Gracie tune selected to go with the novella's previewed first chapter couldn't be more perfect.

Regarding a red bicycle inspired by a crashing plane, Gracie's "Jackson II" makes appropriate use of bicycle bells, playing children, and zooming jet sounds alongside his consistent grade A beat production. Featuring obscured vocals that actually work really well not to overwhelmi the accompanying text, "Jackson II" is marvelously catchy gem. And while that's not really all that out of the ordinary for Gracie, the fact that the same level of songsmithery translates well into this new project with notable outside direction is a commendable feat that should be acknowledged. Consider me properly amped for the rest of the multimedia project as well as the soundtrack which will be out Small Smile Records on August 28th.

You can read Chapter 1 of Kai Flanders' The Red Bicycle over at Impose. Which I strongly recommend and make sure you stream the new Gracie track while you do so.

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