
Monday, August 5, 2013

Listen: North Highlands - "Halo"

About two weeks ago North Highlands signaled the end of their self-imposed hibernation with the a-side "I'll Do My Best" from their two song 7" EP out on July 30th. The b-side "Halo" only solidifies that the Brooklyn quintet is back in a big way.  Unlike the jangly rock-pop of "I'll Do My Best", "Halo" asserts its summery vibes in a different way much more inline with dance-y pop rock of North Highlands' Wild One.

Managing to be bright and sunny without steeping itself in beach rock, "Halo" is strong contender for my favorite North Highlands track and perhaps the strongest of the two new tracks. Nearly twice the length of "I'll Do My Best", "Halo" takes a bunch of unexpected twists and deviations allowing for a plethora of enjoyable musical moments that don't shirk on the toe-tapping body-rocking vibes. Instead of containing its instrumental jam to the last 30 seconds of the song, the whole last minute and change and well as several moments intermittently throughout are devoted toward releasing the beast; unshackled from Brenda Malvini's plush vocal plodding.

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