
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Listen: BRAIDS - "Deep Running"

When you consider that Canadian art pop trio BRAIDS had enough songs not only for their sophomore full length Flourish//Perish but also the In Kind//Amends EP, the fact that a previously unreleased cutting room floor track would emerge makes sense. That for some reason the track didn't make it's way onto the aforementioned EP or full length however is slightly mind boggling when you hear it.  
"Deep Running" follows a rather similar structure to "In Kind" namely in its monumental builds towards its intense climax. Other than that however, "Deep Running" is very much its own beast - all lilting melody and calm, sumptuous languor before Raphaelle Standell-Preston adds a bit of thorniness with her oddly pleasant shout vocals. One of the great things about BRAIDS has always been Standell-Preston's vocal control and it's certainly at play here as the shouts stay absurdly in-tune while conveying the mounting frustration that'd make them likely to slip. It's the cherry on top of an already precisely constructed track - its layers not unlike the microscopic view of a chemical compound; its bond unquestionably solid with nary an imperfection in sight. 

"Deep Running" is an excellent addition to an already impressive catalog of sounds and while it's strange that it almost didn't see the light of day, at least BRAIDS have finally righted that wrong. 

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