
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Pitstop: Buried Beds

When it comes to the art of selecting an opening band, Kishi Bashi is proving to not only a quick study but a gifted master. For the East coast leg of his most recent headlining tour (this time to promote recently released sophomore effort Lighght), he selected Philadelphia based chamber pop group Buried Beds. While the presence of a viola on stage was enough to theoretical link Buried Beds with Kishi Bashi by nature of their string-centricness, their tendency to quickly and efficiently rend all your preconceived notions about what you're about to hear makes Buried Beds the perfect support.

Buried Beds curiously operates on a higher tier of songwriting prowess; crafting delightful pop songs out of unlikely subjects from story tales, paintings, to dream journeys. Buried Beds are imaginative but not without restraint - able to present their fantastical vision in easily consumable slices of pop that nevertheless brim with an obvious heightened sense of musicianship. A fivesome onstage, Buried Beds greatest asset both in performance and on record is their versatility easily able to shift between lush, elegant arrangements, cacophonous percussiveness ("Breadcrumb Trail", "1000 Acres"), and sharp edged intricate rock-fueled pop ("Steady Hand", "Future Death") while retaining its resplendent harmonies. Any instrument could be the focal point or merely the jumping off point for an even more exciting musical journey and whether watching or simply listening to Buried Beds one thing is clear: the band is anything but predictable.

Buried Beds' most recent album In Spirit is available to stream on their website here.

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