
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow (2011)

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There's a lot to be said for the ability to carry a tune and Joy Williams and John White of The Civil Wars do so remarkably. Their debut album Barton Hollow is practically bursting with lovely simple melodies ornamented by interweaving vocals and top notch songwriting. Hardly surprising considering Williams and White are two professional songwriters that happened to meet at a studio writing session but unexpectedly their vocals are perfect matches, utilized so dynamically that you're left in stunned disbelief practically all throughout the album.

Barton Hollow is a shockingly strong debut album, not just in terms of the absolute vocal power of Williams and White but also in it's coherency. Each song is a positively delightful work of art, shining with sincerity and brimming with confidence and purpose. There's nothing even remotely superficial or excessive from Williams and White's extensive use of melisma to every note of the string and horn arrangements; each choice artistic and sensible.

Haven't heard of The Civil Wars? Acquaint yourself - with the music video for "Poison & Wine"; they're bound to be around for awhile.

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