
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lord Huron - Mighty EP (2010)

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You ever have a band's name in your head and not entirely sure how it got there? I can't tell you how or when I heard of Lord Huron but it seems like they've been at back of my head occasionally coming to the forefront for almost a year. Every once in awhile, they name would pop into my head and I'd ignore it and move on to something else. Until eventually I decided to check them out.

Lord Huron is Los Angeles based musician Ben Schneider (and his touring band) who crafts infectious sunny tracks of the folk pop variety with a bit of a twist. Schneider's music is filled with noticeable world influence. Like unrestrained calypso-esque "Mighty" or the Balinese Gamelan remiscient opening in "The Stranger"

Mighty, Lord Huron's second EP, is short and sweet offering up four addictively catchy songs with enough juice to keep you energized for days. The only problem is there's a sort of haze pervading his music in both its upbeat dancey-ness and a light otherworldly fuzz that manages to obscure his lyrics which happen to be pretty imaginative.

You can listen to this EP and his previously released Into the Sun EP at Lord Huron's Bandcamp.

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