
Monday, June 27, 2011

Isaac Graham - Empty Vessels

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After what seems like months of my friend Joe (of Music Industry Earthquake) mentioning Australian musician Isaac Graham, I just got around to checking him out. After hours or listening to music that seemed a bit insincere, too generic, and occasionally forced; Isaac Graham and his simplistic, laid-back style of punk-inspired folk was a welcome change.

Armed with just a Tascam 8-track recorder and microphone, Isaac Graham's Empty Vessels has a smooth recording sheen that belies the album's lo-fi nature allowing it to shimmer with an honest truth and pervasive intensity that's a definite rarity. Whether in the folky "When I Found Gold" synth-poppy "Heat Exhaustion" or country-ish "Hurricane", Graham wears his genre influences on his sleeves but rather than coming off contrived, they inform his songwriting past the point of mere mimicry and make Empty Vessels into a feat of modern storytelling. Here's hoping there's more to come from Graham.

You can listen to Isaac Graham's album on his Bandcamp and if you like it, download it for free.

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