
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Peter Wolf Crier - Inter-Be (2010)

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My introduction to Minneapolis duo Peter Wolf Crier happened in my pursuit of all things ARMS a couple months ago. While listening to the ARMS EP on infinite repeat, LastFM recommended I listen to Peter Wolf Crier cause they were similar. Intrigued, I decided to give them a listen. They weren't that similar (aside from some reverb) but they were good in their own unique way.

Inter-Be is an album filled with a sea of sounds always threatening to burst free of their track-by-track containment and yet restrained enough that when the track is over, there's no lingering residue; no loose ends. And yet somewhere among the clustered waves of cymbal crashes, drum beats, guitar riffs, and the multitude of keyboard accents, Peter Pisano's voice bubbles to the surface- aiming directly to the heart with its doleful tenor.

Inter-Be is an album of balance: never empty sounding yet never too busy that you can't make out each individual part, Pisano's light voice never obscured by the rather energetic parts surrounding it. Though classified as folk rock, Peter Wolf Crier move farther away from anything generically folky the deeper you go into Inter-Be. The result is a richly worthwhile listening experience from a band you'd be crazy not to add to your music library.

Listen to Inter-Be on Peter Wolf Crier's Bandcamp and look out for their sophomore album Garden of Arms out September 6th.

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