
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Watch: Father John Misty - "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings"

Following his recent announcement of his departure from folk rock troubadours Fleet Foxes, Josh Tillman has already readied a worthwhile solo effort. Going under the moniker Father John Misty, his new album Fear Fun (out May 1st) seems to go in a largely different direction that Tillman's previous solo material or so we can glean from the amped up first single "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings".

And his first single has already received a video, starring Aubrey Plaza. Her role as a depressed mourner going absolutely crazy shows a side of her that you don't see in Parks & Rec - engulfing flowers, stripping, smashing things and throwing crazy fits all over the place. The video's certainly a trip but also has that right amount of pathos that keeps you from dismissing Plaza as some crazy party guest in need of a stronger drink or a straight jacket. And Josh Tillman shows up to more or less save the day. The exact plot of the video is a bit disjointed and obscured but could very well be the stuff of your intense indie film fodder. Watch the video:

And you can download "Hollywood Forever Cemetery Sings" via email at Sub Pop.

Father John Misty's Fear Fun is out May 1st on Sub Pop Records.

(via Under the Radar)

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