
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daniel Rossen - "Silent Song"

Considering the 5 song length of Daniel Rossen's solo debut Silent Hour/Golden Mile EP, I figured it would be quite some time before we got another peak at what was on the record. Not so. Following up on last weeks release of "Saint Nothing", Rossen's gone ahead and made new song "Silent Song" available for listening as well.

"Silent Song" is sure to draw some comparisons to Department of Eagles with it's veritable layers of sound, craning melodic lines, and Rossen's quiet vocal assault on your heartstrings. It's the stuff that made the very best Department of Eagles tracks and yet, goes above and beyond what you could expect from the duo. Rossen's voice has matured and his knack for musical world-building has only improved.

(via Stereogum)

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