
Monday, February 20, 2012

The Elwins - And I Thank You (2012)

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There's always a little bit of disappointment that happens when you hear a band's best track before anything else. My discovery of Canadian indie pop quartet The Elwins saw me introduced to "Stuck in the Middle" which is without a doubt the strongest track in their rather short discography (and upcoming debut album and a short EP released some years ago). Listening to their latest single and going backwards however assured me that the foursome had some properly utilized potential that might very well be fully released on their debut.

"Stuck in the Middle" is definitely the most disproportionately strong track on the album, the rest of the album is rather good itself. While not quite as overtly catchy or in your face, "Forgetful Assistance", "I Miss You and I", and "Sitting Pretty" are a noteworthy highlight.

The Elwins' debut album is a reminder that every outing can't or won't be absolutely breathtakingly stellar and somehow that's okay. There's enough of the flavorful jazzy colorings that drew me The Elwins along with a much more mainlined pop sound that ultimately ensures that you'll still enjoy yourself. And that's where And I Thank You is truly successful - packed with bright upbeat jams that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a noticeable pep in your step. The other tracks might not be able to hold a candle to "Stuck in the Middle" but they at least come close several times and any band that can write such a fun romp most likely has one or two more in them. So until those get realized, And I Thank You is a more than adequate place holder for a band that's only scratching the surface of their true talent. Here's hoping their next record is a step in the right direction.

You can stream The Elwins' And I Thank You over at Exclaim! here.

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