
Monday, February 20, 2012

Watch: Lower Dens - "Brains"

Well this is sort of embarrassing. Before Lower Dens dropped this latest video for new single "Brains", I had kind of forgotten Jana Hunter. Not forgotten about her. Just forgot she did stuff in this song. You see, the vocals are very much not her. Or at least don't sound like her which I guess you can say is kind of impressive. It was only as she stared at me in the videos opening that I thought: "Holy crap. What does Jana Hunter do in this song?" besides probably rock out on guitar. I still don't really know but I have a strong feeling she's actually singing.

Lower Dens' brand new video for "Brains" kind of goes the Paranormal Activity route. Jana Hunter stares at the camera, adjusts her hair, and then things get weird. The screen flickers like an old tv and there's that odd discoloring when a tv got stuck between channels and there's some sort of sinister feeling and encroaching darkness surrounding everything in the video. All the wide, "Brains" chugs along with its summer jangle and Jana sings along. Considering I thought they would go with a much more obvious zombie concept, you can color me surprised and impressed.

Watch Lower Dens' video for "Brains":

Lower Dens sophomore record Nootropics is out May 1st.

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