
Saturday, March 9, 2013

All Around Sound Is Turning Three! - Day 6: All Around Sound is Three!

We've reached the end of another year at All Around Sound and while this week has featured contributions from Rawkblog, The Wild Honey Pie, Small Plates Records, I Guess I'm Floating, and returning guest We Listen For You and also some rather generous contributions from several of my favorite bands/artists (Bowerbirds, Conveyor, Daughn Gibson) today is the day of celebration. Today All Around Sound is three year's old.

It's crazy to imagine that my little corner of the internet has existed for three years but here we are. All Around Sound has grown from a mere practice space to a voice (albeit a very, very small one) championing some rather delightfully good music (in my humble opinion). Like last year, I felt it necessary to include at least a few of the people who helped steer my blog in the right direction: the bloggers who bring new exciting things to my attention as well as make what would otherwise be a very isolated solo venture a bit more fun AND the band/artists whose music I have absolutely fallen in love with and who have introduced me to so many other bands as a result.

Unlike last year where my playlist's concept was a musical retrospective- a compilation of my favorite things I've blogged about in All Around Sound's years of existence, this year I figured I'd end the week-long celebration with something a bit more special that keeps in line with one of my favorite ways to discover music. My contribution titled The End is the Beginning is named after the Lower Dens track that closes last year's Nootropics, the mix consists mostly of a set of pairs - a band  I've grown to love that I stumbled upon through one way or another and a band that I've been introduced to by the first band. There's also bands/artists introduced to me by other blogs that have contributed in All Around Sound's birthweek celebration as well as bands that have called it quits but are still very near and dear to my heart/constantly on rotation.

- Dante

Thank you yet again to everyone who contributed to this year's blog birthday celebration as well as to any/all of you who read All Around Sound. Even if just in passing. It means the world to me that anyone seems to care about my small corner of the Internet and I hope you find the same enjoyment from the bands I write about that I do.

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